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Membership Form and Information

Contact Janet Areson for questions about the online system and for questions about VLGMA Membership

Membership Criteria

Individual Membership Categories


(Dues based on member provided calculation – see note below)

Virginia local government chief executives, managers, or administrators, and deputy/assistant managers or administrators. Also included are executive directors of regional planning districts, regional service authorities, or similar regional government entities.

Note: dues are based on member-provided calculation: Salary + Deferred Comp. x .0025; minimum dues are $200 and maximum dues are $525. For example, a member with a base salary of $100,000 and deferred compensation of $20,000 would be calculated as follows: $120,000 x .0025 = $300 dues)

Please note the new dues options for the member category beginning July 1, 2022:

  • Maximum Cap on Dues ($525)
    If your calculated dues exceed $525, your dues are capped at $525.

  • Small Locality ($185 annually)
    If you are from a locality with a population of 2,500 or less, your dues are capped at $185.

  • New-to-VLGMA/Virginia Managers, Deputies, Assistants (introductory dues waiver)
    Virginia Managers/Administrators, Deputies, and Assistants who are new to VLGMA (either new to the state or never been a VLGMA member) will be given a complimentary membership for the current dues year (July 1–June 30).

Associate Member

($175 annually)

Virginia local government employees who do not qualify under the “Member” definition.

Affiliate Member

($100 annually)

Non-local government individuals who have a strong interest in local government in Virginia (includes military base commanders; individuals who teach public administration full-time at a college or university; staff of VML, VACo, Weldon Cooper Center or First Cities; members of nonprofit research and staff agencies that serve local government.) This also includes members in transition after a one-year dues waiver.

Student Member

( $0 annually for undergraduate students) ($25 annually for graduate students)

Any person who is primarily a student and intends to pursue a career in local government; or any full-time intern, fellow, or equivalent working in local government and who is not eligible for, or more appropriately classified in, another membership category.

Retired Member

($25 annually)

Any retired member of VLGMA or retired local government professional who wishes to remain affiliated with the Association

Members in Transition

(dues waived first year; affiliate level following)

Any member in good standing who goes into transition shall retain VLGMA membership as an Affiliate Member with dues in the first membership year of transition waived.

Life Member

(No dues assessed)

A VLGMA Member who has retired from active service and completed 25 years or more of VLGMA membership Life membership may also be bestowed by a unanimous vote of the VLGMA Executive Board for individuals who have not satisfied the 25 years requirement but have a distinguished record of service to the profession and the Association. If you believe you are eligible please confirm your status by emailing or calling Janet Areson at or (804) 649-8471.

Organizational Membership Categories and Dues

VLGMA offers local governments two categories or organizational membership: standard (up to 5 individuals) and large (up to 10 individuals). Those included in an organizational membership are individuals who qualify for the member and associate categories of VLGMA membership as well as interns. The membership term is the same as for individual members (July 1-June 30).

Standard Agency Membership $1,225

Membership for up to 5 individuals (includes individuals who qualify for the MEMBER and ASSOCIATE membership categories as well as Interns).

Large Agency Membership $2,250

Membership for up to 10 individuals (includes individuals who qualify for the MEMBER and ASSOCIATE membership categories as well as Interns).

What’s the connection between ICMA and VLGMA membership?

Membership or eligibility for membership in the International City/County Management Association, the National Association of County Administrators, or any other group is not a prerequisite to joining VLGMA. Persons who are members of such national organizations are not automatically members of VLGMA. Dues must be paid to VLGMA in order to be a VLGMA member.