ICMA Local Government Excellence Award

ICMA Local Government Excellence Awards Process Underway

Nominations are open through March 14, 2025, for ICMA’s Local Government Excellence Awards. These awards are designed to recognize and celebrate the outstanding achievements of our members and highlight extraordinary accomplishments and dedicated service to the profession. 

Professional Awards are presented to individuals for:

• Career excellence

• Development of new talent

• Excellence in leadership as an assistant (regardless of title)

• Early career leadership

• Academic contributions to the profesion

• Advocacy for the profession

Outstanding Local Government Programs are recognized in these areas:

• Community Equity and Inclusion

• Community Health and Safety

• Community Partnerships

• Community Sustainability

• Strategic Leadership and Governance

Information about the awards, and the nominations forms may be found at www.icma.org/awards



Certificate News February 2025


VRSA: Virginia Risk Sharing Association