Civic Engagement March 2023

By Danny Davis, Middleburg Town Manager

A common theme heard around the Winter Conference was how to best engage with the next generation of leaders in local government management. Many of us first heard about local government through family or a job – but how can we make sure that our high school and college-aged students know that local government is a fulfilling, desirable career?

For this to happen – we need your help! 

FIRST: do you have connections with a local college/university’s public administration program? If so, would you be willing to serve as a point of contact so that local leaders (including yourself) can better connect with students? We’d love to get more direct involvement in ALL of our universities.

SECOND: have you connected with your local high school system? Do they invite local government leaders to speak in their civics classes? High school is sometimes the best opportunity to pave the way for future leaders, whether they decide to pursue a career that is vocational, administrative, or management.

THIRD: do you have a success story to share about engaging the next generation? For example, my wife recently created an entire year’s curriculum for our home-school co-op that focuses on Virginia history, state government, and local government. She and the students will be meeting with local leaders in the coming weeks to learn about budgeting, water/wastewater operations, solid waste management, and county government management. As my high school junior told me one day: “Wow, Dad, I didn’t know your job was so important.” We’d love to hear YOUR success story on how you’re sharing about local government in your community!

Help us connect – we want to engage the next generation who are looking for a fulfilling career. And what better place to find that than in local government! Please share your input with Alysse Dowdy who will help coordinate with the VLGMA Committees.




Tim’s Thoughts March 2023


Certificate News March 2023