Have You Considered Serving on the ICMA Executive Board?

Have you ever considered becoming a candidate for a position on the ICMA Executive Board? I am reaching out to inform you that ICMA’s call for nominations for Regional Vice-Presidents to the ICMA Executive Board will open on November 3, 2020 for the 2021 election year. I invite you to reflect on the unique perspective, guidance, and leadership that you could bring to this important position and in doing so, take advantage of this opportunity to serve ICMA, the Southeast Region, and the local government management profession. While this is the designated non-Chief Administrative Officer year in ICMA’s Southeast region, we are also sending this communication to CAOs in the hope that they will share this new and exciting opportunity to serve on the ICMA Executive Board with their eligible staff.

Eligibility and the Selection Process 

Eligibility and the selection process for this position are governed by the ICMA Constitution and the ICMA Southeast Regional Nominating Committee Process for Identification and Selection of Nominees for ICMA Vice-President. According to the region’s geographical rotation protocol, the position for the 2021 election for an Executive Board Vice President serving a three-year term is open to a non-Chief Administrative Officer (non-CAO) serving in an appointed position to a local government. Because Virginia, Georgia, and Kentucky currently have representation on the Executive Board, candidates from those states will only be eligible if no other qualified candidates are identified. This does not preclude a qualified individual from these states from applying for this year’s process but could impact their ability to be selected if states without current/recent representation on the Board put forth qualified candidate(s) for consideration.

As you know, the general membership voted to amend the ICMA Constitution in February 2020 to grant Affiliate Members currently serving in an appointed position in local government, who have a minimum of five years of service to a local government and five years of membership in ICMA, Corporate membership status. The 2021 election cycle marks the first time that the Board service opportunity extends to Affiliate Members meeting this criteria for the Southeast region’s designated “non-CAO” year.

The Southeast Regional Nominating Committee will convene in the Spring of 2021 to interview and select one nominee to appear as the Southeast Region’s recommended candidate on the ICMA election ballot in May 2021. The Regional Nominating Committee is comprised of the ICMA president (or designee), state association presidents (or their appointees), and representatives of key ICMA affiliate organizations designated by the Board which include The League of Women in Government, Local Government Hispanic Network, National Forum for Black Public Administrators and National Association of County Administrators.

The deadline for applying for the upcoming position is January 8, 2021. In order to be considered for nomination, please submit the following items to icmanominations@icma.org

  1. A statement of your qualifications for board service and your view of the issues facing ICMA. Two-page limit.

  2. Current Resume

  3. A list of any contributions you have made to ICMA and state/country/affiliate organizations, such as service on a committee, board, etc.

  4. Thoughtful letters of support from members or letters of endorsement from state, country or affiliate associations that can aid the Regional Nominating Committee in understanding your qualities, achievements, and potential contributions to the Board (Optional, but recommended).

Late submissions will not be accepted.


Full information on the schedule, the nominations and election process, guidelines and agreements, historical information on state representation, expectations of board service, and other requirements can be found on ICMA’s website.

Should you have questions or concerns on ICMA Executive Board Service or of the nominations process described in this letter, please do not hesitate to reach out to your ICMA Southeast Regional Director, Randall Reid at rreid@icma.org. He would be more than happy to assist you as you contemplate pursuing this opportunity.

On behalf of the ICMA Executive Board, I hope that you will reflect on this opportunity to serve the profession in a significant and rewarding manner. If you are not interested yourself at this time, consider applying in the future or encourage eligible colleagues to do so. Thank you, in advance, for your consideration and for your continued dedication to professional local government management.
In service,  

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Jim Malloy, MPA, ICMA-CM

ICMA President


VRSA’s Insight Application


Community Conversations: November 2020