Mashaw Award Nominations Now Open
Author: Angela Hill, County Administrator Montgomery County; Mashaw Outstanding Assistant Award Chairman
Nominations are now open for the 2024 Marcia Mashaw Outstanding Assistant Award. Chief administrative officials who are VLGMA members received an email last week with information about the nominations process and a nominations form. The deadline for nominations is midnight on Tuesday, April 30.
The award will be presented during the 2024 VLGMA Annual Conference in June.
The Mashaw Outstanding Assistant Award recognizes a deputy or assistant administrator or deputy or assistant manager who has demonstrated outstanding performance, particularly with a special project or during a period of unique conditions and circumstances. The chief administrative officer of the city, county, or town submits the nominations.
This award honors the memory of Marcia Mashaw, who served as assistant town manager of Blacksburg and was an active and accomplished leader in her community and in VLGMA. VLGMA created this award to honor Marcia and her accomplishments and devotion to the field of local government and to VLGMA.
I was honored to be the recipient of the 2023 award, and I am serving as the Chair of this year’s Committee. Serving with me are past award recipients Sarah Elam Puckett, Prince Edward Assistant County Administrator, and Bret Schardein, Powhatan County Administrator.
If you have any questions about the nominations process, please email VLGMA Executive Secretary Janet Areson at