“No One Walks Alone” Winter Conference Recap
The Virginia Local Government Manager Association (VLGMA) Winter Conference "No One Walks Alone" was a great success! The conference drew over 200 participants to Roanoke!
The conference featured 3 Keynote speakers:
Bridging the Gap Between Politics and Administration with Doug Walker
Co-Leadership Between the CAO & DAO with Scuffletown
Relationships Between Governing Bodies, Managers, Staff and the Public with Kimball Payne
Attendees had the opportunity to listen and learn from a variety of panels and informational sessions:
Crafting a Successful Relationship with Your Chief Legal Officer with Lavonda Graham-Williams and Rysheda McClendon
Leadership as a Member of the LGBTQ Community with Cody Sexton, David Moorman, and David Conmy
Economic Forecasting: Recession or Not? with Dr. Sheryl Bailey
Legislative Update from Michelle Gowdy at VML and Dwayne Yancey from the Cardinal News
On Thursday evening, we kicked back and enjoyed a night of Pinball and Arcade games at the downtown Pinball Museum. Thank you to McGill Associates for sponsoring the reception!
Please complete the post-conference feedback form is you haven’t already.
We are already planning the summer conference! Plan to join us at the beach June 5-7th!
Thank you to our many sponsors who made this conference possible!
Danny Davis
VLGMA Second Vice-President
Town Manager, Town of Middleburg