Tedd's Take November 2020

By Tedd Povar

VLGMA Retirees’ Reunion in a time of COVID

On October 27, 28, and 29, Zoom meetings were held to replace the well-attended annual VLGMA retiree reunions held the last two years in Hanover County and Charlottesville, respectively.    Email invitations were sent to a rather lengthy list of VLGMA retirees with over 32 positive responses.   Ultimately, each of the three sessions had about 9 participants for the hour-long exchanges.

One overriding takeaway from the sessions is that there is no such thing as “retirement.”  As we went around the  virtual table with each person recounting what was happening in their lives, it became abundantly clear that “once a public servant, always a public servant.”  Many remain very active in the profession either as interims or as staff assistants in local government.  Others work regularly with non-profits holding down rather intense schedules and important management responsibilities.   No one is doing nothing. Everyone is engaged.

There were also several stories of family challenges involving caretaking of a spouse or other family members. Fortunately, only a very few have suffered the loss of a close relative in the last several months.   Each has taken on these support responsibilities with a “can do” spirit resulting in anticipated or realized positive outcomes.  It is inspiring.

Retirement provides retirees with an opportunity to make unilateral and impactful choices.  Know that your former VLGMA peers are still vital, active and highly engaged, doing great things for their communities, fellow citizens, and families.  While they certainly enjoy the freedom of not working a 60-hour week, they have not lost the fire that brought them to our profession many years ago.  They still care intensely and want to contribute.

VLGMA retirees continue to demonstrate their adherence to the Athenian Oath:  ….. we will transmit this community not only, not less, but greater and more beautiful than it was transmitted to us.


Community Conversations: November 2020


Virginia Institute of Government Update November 2020