The Golden Nugget March 2025
Three weeks ago we were facing an ominous forecast of significant snow for the Charlottesville area during the upcoming winter conference. We worried about whether we should have the conference, knowing people might have trouble not only getting to Charlottesville, but getting home afterwards if they were able to attend—15+ inches of snow is a lot of snow. After waiting a few days before making any decisions, the forecast moderated to a lesser, more manageable amount of snow, and we decided to proceed “Full Steam Ahead” with the conference, despite the fact there might be some who would not be able to join us. I’m happy to say that the conference went off without a hitch, everyone who was able to attend did so safely, and the bit of snow we got in Charlottesville provided a beautiful back-drop.
And what a conference it was! Our partnership with the Virginia Institute of Government cannot be understated—special thanks to Alysse Dowdy and all of the VIG staff who work very hard to support VLGMA and coordinate our conferences—they are why we look so good! I also want to give warm thanks to PDC Chair Christian Goodwin (Louisa County), and conference co-chairs Michelle Bixler (Town of Woodstock) and Ashley Marshall (City of Charlottesville), for putting together an outstanding program of topics that were informative and timely. It was compelling to listen to Anne Balduzzi speak about the need to understand and embrace artificial intelligencetechnology in our communities and organizations, and what a privilege to have Mitchell Silver, FAICP speak about using planning and zoning techniques to create housing and recreational spaces to meet the needs of everyone in our communities. The panel discussions on innovative zoning techniques, providing affordable housing in our communities, navigating the challenges and benefits of multi-generational workplaces, and recognizing the importance of mental well-being in our organizations and communities gave much needed perspective on these issues. Understanding the psychological weight of navigating a community scandal involving public officials was riveting. You could hear a pin drop during Prince Edward County Administrator Doug Stanley’s presentation on the embezzlement scandal in Warren County as we were all rapt in our attention to his story. People have no idea what some of us go through as local government managers and the impact it has on us and our families; hats off to Doug for his vulnerability in describing that very difficult time in his career, and sharing his lessons learned. I’m proud that VLGMA provides a safe space for that.
This year’s winter conference was the first time in quite a while that we had the privilege of an ICMA board member in attendance. Mike Land, ICMA president-elect, made the trip to Charlottesville from his community of Coppell, Texas to meet his Virginia colleagues and convey ICMA’s mission to learn how they can better serve and support local government management in communities nationwide. I know Mike had a chance to chat with and get feedback from many of those at the conference, and his presence went a long way to reaffirming the partnership between ICMA and VLGMA as we continue to serve and support our local government managers. Many thanks to ICMA Southeast Region Director Randy Reid, also in attendance at our conference, for helping to coordinate Mike’s trip to Charlottesville.
Speaking of ICMA, planning for the 2025 conference is well underway. Sessions have been chosen, and I’m proud to say several of our Virginia colleagues will present at the conference this fall. Here is a list of the topic tracks:
• Empowering Future Civic Leaders
• Enhancing Community Engagement and Public Trust
• Ethics and Governance in a Complex World
• Fiscal Innovation and Sustainable Economic Development
• Future of Work in the Public Sector
• Mindfulness and Self-Transformation in Public Leadership
• Modernizing Public Infrastructure Through Technology
Make your plans now to travel to Tampa, FL to attend the ICMA 2025 conference October 25th-29th. Conference registration opens in June.
The opportunities for networking and getting back in touch with friends and colleagues were plentiful at the winter conference, and I know I personally appreciated the chance to get away from the day-to-day to get perspective on broader topics impacting our communities, and us as local government managers. We’ll get a chance to do it all again June 18th-20th at the summer conference in Virginia Beach—conference co-chairs Eric Pollitt (Town of Tappahannock) and Joseph Quesenberry (Town of Warsaw) are working hard to put together an excellent program. I hope you’ll be able to get away to join us, and bring your families for some time at the beach.
Until next time,
Welcome to new members:
Gray Cifers, Assistant County Administrator, County of Greensville
Regina Harner, Assistant County Administrator, County of Page
Greg Patrick, Deputy City Manager, City of Lynchburg
Jessica Poe, Interim County Administrator, County of Charles City
Amy Snider, Deputy City Manager, City of Harrisonburg